The homemade honey face wash is easy to make and like
I always say you don't have to buy everything.The ingredients
are easy to find and the steps very simple. The honey face
wash is very good for oily and acne prone skin too.There are
Four ingredients.

1) Raw honey:1/3 cup of honey. Honey is the most important
In this homemade face wash and it's because raw honey has
alot of properties that benefits the skin, it is also very easy to
find in supermarkets and stores.

2) Neutrogena face wash:Half of the bottle. I love this face wash because it is oil free
and definitely good for acne prone skin, it is also very foamy
and so makes a good match for this homemade face wash.

3) Coconut Oil: 1/3 cup of coconut oil.I love this oil,I definitely do
it's super easy to buy because it is cheap compared to other
Oils and it also has good properties that benefits the skin and

4) Water: 1 glass of water.The last but not the least Is water and it must be
added. After all it has no enemy😊😊.

DIRECTIONS: Get a soap dispenser and add the water first to prevent
bubbles,then add the honey, Neutrogena face wash and coconut
Oil then shake very well.That's it your honey homemade face wash is ready.