Hey guys, everyone knows the fruit above today I will
be sharing its benefits for your hair, skin and health, so
Next time you come across it don't forget to get some.
But I want to make a quick confession, I really dont like
this fruit but am getting to like it now..

Benefits of Garden Eggs for the Health.
1) weight loss: it's effective for weight loss due to
it's high content of fibre.The green ones are more
effective for weight loss.
2) Lowers cholesterol:it helps lowers cholesterol therefore
protecting the heart too.
3) Lowers blood sugar: It has the ability to lower blood sugar
by absorbing excess glucose in the body.

Benefits of Garden Egg for the Skin.
1) Provides glowing skin:The antioxidants and anthocyanins
Presents helps to provide anti aging benefits.
2) Keeps your skin soft and smooth: Eating egg plant daily keeps
our body dehydrated.
3) Skin toner: Egg plant juice is a very effective tone,it improves firmness
to our skin and relieves from  frown lines.
DIRECTION: Get the juice from one egg plant and add witch hazel to it,
Keep in the refrigerator and use when you feel like.

Benefits of Garden Egg for the Hair.
1) promotes hair growth.
2)For hair rinse