Today i will be enlightening y'all on how to make this oil at home.

The oil is also known as ben oil. The moringa tree is cultivated more in tropical areas and is popular in Nigèria now. It grows fast and can resist drought. The tree is grown from its pods or leaves.
1) Lubrication of small machine parts.
2) Making of perfume and fragrances.
3) For skin treatment e.g Acne
4) Making of soap, shampoo and body washes.
How to prepare Moringa oil at home.
1) After harvesting your seed or buying them, put in a pan nd stir fry till the seeds turn dark brown.
2) Boil the seeds.
3) After boiling, the oil can be scooped off , allowed to cool before storage in an empty container.
That's all and viola your Moringa oil is ready for use.
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